We offer online chess coaching for all levels
Professional Coaches
The coaching team at Winawer Chess Academy features FIDE-rated and titled players, offering expert guidance and personalized training to help students excel at every level of chess.
What We Offer
Book A Free Demo
1) Introduction to chess 2) Files, Ranks, Diagonal & Centre Squares 3) Name of chessmen 4) Board setup 5) Movements 6) Points of chessmen 7) Pawn Game 8) Addition of chessmen (one by one) 9) What is check 10) Ways to escape from a check 11) What is checkmate 12) What is stalemate 13) Special rules - Castling, pawn promotion & en passant. 14) Good, equal & bad exchanges 15) Two Attackers, one defender 16) Final Test & Assessment
Advanced Beginners
1) Hanging pieces 2) Mate in 1 3) Elementary checkmates 4) King + Queen + Rook vs King 5) King + 2 Rooks vs King 6) King + Queen vs King 7) King + Rook vs King 8) Chess Notations 9) Opening Principles 10) Rules of Calculation 11) Mate in 2 12) Pin 13) Fork 14) Final Test & Assessment
Intermediate Level 1
1) Skewers 2) Deflection/Capture the defender 3) Discovered Attack 4) Back Rank Mate 5) Battery in Chess 6) Smothered Mate 7) Boden’s Mate 8) Arabian Mate 9) Attacking F2 or F7 Squares 10) Mixed Tactics 11) Final Test & Assessment
Intermediate level 2
1) Scholars Mate 2) Fools Mate 3) Back Burne Shilling Gambit 4) Simple King & pawn endgames + Rule of squares 5) Opposition 6) Stopping a checkmate 7) Practical games and Analysis 8) Final Test & Assessment
Advanced level 1
1) Trapping pieces 2) Pawn promotion tactics 3) Mate in 3 4) Legal's Mate & Damiano Mate 5) Queen Sacrifices 6) Checkmate using two Bishops 7) Positional chess concepts 8) X- Ray Attack 9) Overloaded Pieces 10) Final Test & Assessment
Advanced level 2
1) Chess Openings 2) Windmill 3) Interference 4) Square vacation 5) Outpost 6) Line opening & line closing 7) Zugzwang 8) Final Test & Assessment
Advanced level 3
1) What is plan 2) Imbalance & silmans technique 3) Rules of Bishops 4) Rules of knights 5) Bishop vs Knights 6) Lucena Position 7) Philidor Position
Master Level
1) Opening Reporteire 2) Chess Middlegames 3) Difficult Endgames 4) Learning from Grandmaster’s game 5) Game Review & Analysis
Meet Our Team


Amanda Doe

Amanda Doe

Jenny Smith

It’s Time To Get In Touch
Ravi is the passionate founder of Winawer Chess Academy, bringing 8 years of experience in chess both as a player and coach. His deep love for the game and dedication to teaching has helped countless students improve their skills. Ravi’s approach focuses on personalized coaching and fostering a love for chess, helping players of all levels reach their full potential. His vision for the academy is to create a supportive and engaging environment where students not only excel in chess but also grow as individuals.